
2023年3月1日11:48:56 评论 0








Can frequent chatting create the illusion of love? Frequent chatting does not necessarily lead to the illusion of love, which depends on what two people are talking about. If we talk about work, we can only say that our work is similar. If it is a hobby, it can only be said to be like-minded. If you talk about emotions, personal affairs, care about life, and have an ambiguous atmosphere, you will have the illusion of love. Do you agree that frequent chatting can lead to the illusion of love? Now is an era when social media on the Internet is more developed, so people prefer to chat on the Internet. Most chats with relatives, friends or strangers are established on some social networking sites. Therefore, social media is widely used now, and frequent chat is also necessary in daily life. Let's take a look at this. Do you agree that frequent chat will lead to the illusion of love? Xiaobian agrees with this view very much. When you are in a relatively idle period, you will begin to use online social media to spend your time. In addition to brushing videos, you may share your life with others. In addition to your friends, you may be playing games or meeting some strangers through some chat software. After you know these people, because of long-time chat, because you say good morning and good night every day, or because he cares about you every day. In the face of people who care about you every day, you will begin to have an illusion of love. Because long-time company can even produce a sense of dependence, I know that 21 days will form a habit, so when you chat with a person for a long time, you will have an illusion of love. In fact, it's not really like it. It's just that long-time chatting or long-time company make you mistakenly think that it should be possible for you and him. Therefore, when you chat with a person for a long time, the probability is a sense of dependence, not a real feeling of love. In fact, just because of long-time company and long-time chat, people will not be able to distinguish the feeling of love from the illusion of love. When this situation occurs, they should consider whether they really like him or whether they just have a dependency on him. If they don't chat with him, they will feel particularly uncomfortable. If they are the latter, they should be sober. They don't like him. If they are the former, they can ask his opinions and realize the goal. The above point of view only represents Xiaobian's personal opinion. If there are any mistakes, please forgive me.




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